Mind And Reality: An Ancient View

The Rascal Press
2 min readMar 16, 2019

by Candradasa

ajanta caves, 2nd C. BCE — 480 CE

From my first post: a poetic interpretation of the opening verses of the Dhammapada on the relationship between mind and experience, from the point of view of a writer; a tinkering act of love and gratitude to a text that has been amongst the most transformative in my life…

The world is made up of stories,
Born from stories,
Turns on stories:
We are telling stories all the time.
When our tales about the world are based on
Greed, or hatred, or confusion,
Sorrow follows for someone —
Maybe us, maybe others —
As sure as night follows the day.

The world is made up of stories,
Born from stories,
Turns on stories:
We are telling stories all the time.
When our tales about the world are based on
Trying to pay attention,
Seeking out the truth in things,
The endings turn out better,
Stay with us, and are remembered.

You can tell whatever story you know,
But hatred never solves things in the heart:
Only love can make that magic transformation.
This has always been the way of it,
Like a deep law of the universe:

Everything ends, life goes on,
Our atoms, our energies, returning to the elements.
Seeing this happen over and over,
Being reminded day after day,
Move whenever you can towards harmony.



The Rascal Press

poetry, culture, ethics, tech, reality